Wednesday, January 14, 2009


We have 5 boys playing on 6 basketball teams. This is one of Nathan's teams. He is also on his school team and the church team. Josh and Tyler are also playing on the church team. Games start in a couple of weeks.

This is Danny's team.

And Here is Ben

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Camera for Christmas

I wouldn't let anyone touch the camera. People tried. Teenage sons think they are so tech savvy. Husbands?? Really bad when it comes to dominating the technology in the house.

One of the kids did manage to take a picture when I made the mistake of setting the camera down in plain sight.

It happen with my cell phone and I wasn't going to let it happen with my new camera.

If I don't program it myself, from the beginning, I will never know how to operate it.

Now I have a camera that is mine.

It will not be lost for months in a pile of clothes in a teenager room.

It will not be in the pocket of a child's swimsuit when the tide is coming in.

My husband will not download pictures off it. It is